Welcome to AAUW Marin (CA) Branch

AAUW: A vibrant organization at work for women and girls.
In the U.S. In Marin.

AAUW locally means scholarships, supporting a week of Tech Trek for 7th grade girls, stimulating monthly programs, and small interest groups that open the
door to fun and friendship and more.

AAUW nationally means funds for
women’s graduate education, community
action grants, expert research on gender
issues, focused training for tomorrow’s
women leaders, more than a hundred years of
advocacy for women’s issues and more.



Marin Branch Newsletter

Read our latest branch newsletter HERE.

Click HERE to view this video of Nancy Finston’s presentation at the April 2024 fundraising tea.

AAUW Stands Against Racism

Marin AAUW stands with National AAUW against racism. AAUW is committed to the vision of equity for all. As an organization we acknowledge that there is still much work to be done. We encourage and support the efforts of our members to educate themselves on this topic and to take action to ensure that AAUW remains a diverse and inclusive organization.

To Zoom or not to Zoom?!!

Our branch provides a mix of Zoom and in person programs and interest group meetings, so be sure to check the monthly newsletter for upcoming events and the Activities tab for a list of active interest groups, so you can join in at your desired level of comfort.